What Should I Eat?

Are you a professional dieter? Always telling yourself “my diet starts tomorrow” but still feel defeated, tired and confused. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. But, I hate to break it to you: I am not going to tell you exactly what to eat; because that’s up to YOU to decide by listening to your own body.

As a dietitian, people always ask me to tell them what to eat, make them a meal plan or ask me to put them on a low carbohydrate diet etc. The problem with these methods is the sustainability of the diet. This is why 95% of diets fail, they do not work. This is why I use the anti-diet approach with intuitive eating, which studies have actually proven to work.

I know you are probably thinking: “the name ‘Dietitian’ literally has the word ‘diet’ in the name.” Yes, that’s true, but I really appreciate how we have been able to refer to ourselves as “Dietitian Nutritionists.” Also, I want to change the way you look at dietitians; I want you to think of me as someone who supports you in your intuitive eating journey, validates your struggles and helps change the way you look at food. Hence my business name: Kale Cookie Nutrition, all foods fit!

Does this mean you can eat cookies and ice cream all day? NO. First, this would make you sick of cookies and ice cream and we don’t want that. I want you to become aware of your innate hunger and fullness cues to tell you what and when to eat. This takes practice, guidance and time; and this is where I come in as a dietitian.

When you were a child, you were the best intuitive eater! You ate half the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then went off to play with your friends, not thinking about it for another second. This innate response to hunger and fullness is skewed over the years. In the Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, they describe it like this: “If you take your old car in for work and the mechanic tells you there is something wrong with it, you don’t blame yourself for that” It’s just that overtime, our view gets skewed by the diet culture. My job and passion as a dietitian is to help you go back to those innate cues you had in childhood.

As a dietitian, I want to help you find the inner child in your self by channeling into the innate hunger and fullness cues you were born with. When working with me, I will help you re-discover these cues make deciding what to eat so much easier for you in the long-term. This will require a long term relationship with me (your dietitian) to provide guidance throughout your intuitive eating journey. Only you will know the answer to the question: “What should I eat?” I know you probably do not know what these foods are yet, but as a dietitian I will support you in discovering the right food for your body.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please contact me, I would love to help you.


Kale White Bean Sausage Soup